- ANN tags:
- clojure
- lein
- project published: true comments: true
Clojure-Control is the clojure port of node-control, developed by killme2008. Clojure-Control allows you to define clusters and tasks in a DSL and execute them with simple command.
Lein-control is a leiningen(clojure build tool) plugin, with which you can integrate Clojure-Control into your build tasks. It could be helpful to execute deployment tasks on several machines.
To use lein-control, simply add this to your project.clj . And download dependencies with lein deps.
:dev-dependencies [[lein-control "0.1.0"]]
Create a sample control file in your project home: lein control init
Check your cluster configuration: lein control show cluster-name
Execute tasks against particular cluster: lein control run cluster-name task-name
Enjoy your deployment !