Douban is now available as a cover provider of CoverGloobus

Sat 11 December 2010
  • 装备 tags:
  • Douban
  • foss published: true comments: true

This is a feature requested by a douban user, we need a provider for CoverGloobus to retrieve covers from

I just modify the code of exaile-douban-cover, and adapt to CoverGloobus 1.7 API. In 1.7, CoverGloobus has simplfied SPI for cover providers, which has much enhancement from 1.6 . So this provider is only compatible with CoverGloobus 1.7 .

The patch is now merged into the bazaar repository, you can find it at:

Chinese user will benefit from this patch that CoverGloobus will try to download album art if it's not available from your music player.