ibatis infinite loop when getFirstResultSet

Tue 08 June 2010
  • 手艺 tags:
  • ibatis
  • java published: true comments: true


ibatis 2.4.3
[cc lang="java"]
private ResultSet getFirstResultSet(StatementScope scope, Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = null;
boolean hasMoreResults = true;
while (hasMoreResults) {
rs = stmt.getResultSet();
if (rs != null) {
hasMoreResults = moveToNextResultsIfPresent(scope, stmt);
return rs;

private boolean moveToNextResultsIfPresent(StatementScope scope, Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
boolean moreResults;
// This is the messed up JDBC approach for determining if there are more results
moreResults = !(((moveToNextResultsSafely(scope, stmt) == false) && (stmt.getUpdateCount() == -1)));
return moreResults;

private boolean moveToNextResultsSafely(StatementScope scope, Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
if (forceMultipleResultSetSupport(scope) || stmt.getConnection().getMetaData().supportsMultipleResultSets()) {
return stmt.getMoreResults();
return false;


在mybatis 2.5的代码里,这部分已经修改为:
[cc lang="java"]
private boolean moveToNextResultsIfPresent(StatementScope scope, Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
boolean moreResults;
// This is the messed up JDBC approach for determining if there are more results
boolean movedToNextResultsSafely = moveToNextResultsSafely(scope, stmt);
int updateCount = stmt.getUpdateCount();

moreResults = !(!movedToNextResultsSafely && (updateCount == -1));

//ibatis-384: workaround for mysql not returning -1 for stmt.getUpdateCount()
if (moreResults == true){
moreResults = !(!movedToNextResultsSafely && !isMultipleResultSetSupportPresent(scope, stmt));

return moreResults;

private boolean moveToNextResultsSafely(StatementScope scope, Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
if (isMultipleResultSetSupportPresent(scope, stmt)) {
return stmt.getMoreResults();
return false;

* checks whether multiple result set support is present - either by direct support of the database driver or by forcing it
private boolean isMultipleResultSetSupportPresent(StatementScope scope,
Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
return forceMultipleResultSetSupport(scope) || stmt.getConnection().getMetaData().supportsMultipleResultSets();


MyBatis 2.5还有一个issue没有解决,离发布还有一些时间,这个问题只好签出新版本代码自己build了