- ANN tags:
- heatcanvas
- javascript
- OpenStreetMap
- project published: true comments: true
As the screenshot shows, now you can embed HeatCanavs in your OpenLayers application, as well as OpenSteetMap.
Three steps to create such kind of map:
1. Create HeatCanvas layer:
[cc lang="javascript"]
// constructor params:
// name, OpenLayers map instance, OpenLayers layer options, HeatCanvas options
var heatmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.HeatCanvas("HeatCanvas", map, {},
{'step':0.3, 'degree':HeatCanvas.QUAD, 'opacity':0.8});
2. Feed some data on layer:
[cc lang="javascript"]
heatmap.pushData(latitude, longitude, value);
3. Add layer to map:
[cc lang="javascript"]
The live demo is hosted on github: http://sunng87.github.com/heatcanvas/openstreetmap.html
HeatCanavs is a heat map implementation on HTML5 canvas and WebWorker API.