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- slacker published: true comments: true
A new release 0.8.0 of slacker has been pushed to clojars. Let's go through the changes in this version.
Clojure 1.3 compatible
Slacker finally landed on clojure 1.3. It takes advantages of performance in 1.3. Also, you can use 1.3 API in slacker. For example, a timeout argument is supported in deref, which is useful when dealing with promise returned by slacker's asynchronous call.Performance Boost
The performance enhancement is on the highest priority in this release. I have migrated the NIO infrastructure to a new library called link. Now slacker 0.8.0 is at least 8x faster than previous release. There is significant improvement both on per-request latency and overall throughput. And the server thread model is optimized for data-intensive tasks. Heavy IO tasks in hosted functions won't block the whole server.
slacker as a ring app
Instead of running default transportation, slacker now can be configured as a ring app and deployed on any ring adapter.
[cc lang="clojure"]
(use 'slacker.server)
(use 'ring.adapter.jetty)
(run-jetty (slacker-ring-app (the-ns 'slacker.example.api)) {:port 8080})
This will expose the name space slacker.example.api with HTTP. Functions could be called with following URL pattern:
For instance: http://localhost:8080/slacker.example.api/timestamp.json
There is a minor update for the defn-remote macro.
In 0.7.0, you have to specify remote namespace with an option:
[cc lang="clojure"]
(defn-remote sc timestamp :remote-ns "slacker.example.api")
In 0.8.0, it's more convenience:
[cc lang="clojure"]
(defn-remote sc slacker.example.api/timestamp)
To keep the core library compact, in 0.8.0, the cluster support has been moved to a standalone project slacker-cluster.
All above summarized my recent work in the slacker project. If you have any question with this library, feel free to drop me an email sunng@about.me .