Update on exaile-soundmenu-indicator and exaile-doubanfm-plugin

Fri 14 January 2011
  • ANN tags:
  • Douban
  • exaile
  • project
  • ubuntu published: true comments: true


As many users complaint about the "minimise to sound menu" issue, I updated exaile-soundmenu-indicator plugin. Now it is basically compliant with specification of SoundMenu: it will keep playing if you click the close button while the player is playing, and will exit if not playing. However, to be able to complete the functionality, you have to commentify the line 1506 of /usr/lib/exaile/xlgui/main.py, which is "return true" of method "delete_event" (On Ubuntu 10.10, exaile Otherwise, whenever you close the window it won't exit.

I know this is a bad idea to require user to modify the source code, but it‘s not possible to override the behavior of a GTK callback, especially when you do not have the handler_id of the callback. If you do not mind the incompliant of closing behavior, you can just keep it as is, and exiting by menu and CRTL+Q.

Grab the snapshot of github repository to get the up-to-date version: https://github.com/sunng87/Exaile-Soundmenu-Indicator


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